I talked to another friend of mine and Deana's named Peggy. Peggy was our mutual friend who was responsible for our friendship. The three of us were pretty close knit, but Peggy spent more and more time with this cute guy named Chris, whom she would later marry.
I called Peggy and told her Deana's going to take the discussions. She was so happy. She told me she had never read the Book of Mormon. At this point I had never read the entire Book of Mormon, either, but I found out through prayer that this was the true church. Because I had a testimony of Joseph Smith being a true prophet, I knew that The Book of Mormon had to be true and what I had read was true. Just like the Bible. You don't need to read it from cover to cover to know it is true.
Peggy is one of the kindest people you could ever meet. She was always giving and a sincerely caring person who would cry with you when you were hurting. She was so funny and sometimes not on purpose, like the time Deana and I were driving down the road after college and Peggy caught up to us and was driving side by side. She looked over at us, honked and waved and her car started drifting very closely to us. We screamed.....then laughed. We were on the way to Deana's first discussion, which was at Peggy's house.
We met the Elder's Winkie and Gates. I said the opening prayer and the elders taught about Christ's atonement and resurrection. They explained with a glove - his hand being the spirit and the glove the body. When you die your spirit leaves the body but you are still alive without your body. When you are resurrected again, your body and spirit reunite. Then they taught about how to pray:
1. "Dear Heavenly Father,"
2. "We thank Thee....."
3. "We ask Thee....."
4. "In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
They asked Deana to give the closing prayer. She was really embarrassed but she said a really good prayer.
Later we went to a Friday Night Activity at the Institute. It was New Wave Night. We had fun but she said Gordon had confused her by asking if she felt these things in her heart. I stayed the night at her house and we talked late into the night about the plan of salvation and I let her read in my journal my feelings when I was going through my conversion. I think this is the same night we found the Kristy and Velvet dolls and was combing their hair. I think this is also the night her sister got sick of us talking about God and left the room. Does that sound familiar, Deana?
1 week ago
My first discussion was at your house (apartment). I remember learning about the difference between God and Jesus Christ and what resurrection ment. I still use the same glove example to teach resurrection in Primary. I was totally freaking out about saying the closing prayer. I did not want to do it, but everyone bowed their head and there was no way out of it. I forgot about the Krissy and Velvet dolls, but I do remember my sister getting mad about us talking. She said something like, "All you guys ever talk about it God!" and then she left the room to sleep somewhere else. I am not sure if that was the night she said that, but it did occur at some point. Yes, Peggy was always a "SCARY" driver.